Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bonjour Dimanche!

good days, good nights, good mornings, good afternoons.
"easy like a sunday morning."

Saturday I went back to "Chic Antiques" in Columbia. So amazing. They had more cameras! Alex found a nice Nikon film camera still in decent shape with a 35-70mm lens. I found twoCanonete QL17 GIII with neat 40mm lens that aren't interchangeable with a 1.7 f-stop. They were pretty great, but the shutter kept sticking when I tinkered with one of them and then quit...I don't know why. Disappointing. If I had faith in my camera repair skills I would've grabbed it up. Still debating.


Saturday Night. Friends, Spirits, Strange Glasses, Awffle Waffle (waffle house).

P.S. Gretchen the Beemer has a flat tire so getting out to develop film has been kind of not possible, but I have a few rolls to develop from the past few days, so more photography to come.

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